The ADR Forum welcomes workshop proposals encompassing a wide range of topics at the intersection of AI, Data, and Robotics. While the call is thematically open, we particularly encourage submissions that fall under the following workshop types:

  1. Workshops Initiating Adra Topic Groups: Proposals aimed at launching new Adra topic groups to foster collaboration and innovation.
  2. 'Birds of a Feather' Workshops: Clustering projects with mutual interests on specific topics for in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing.
  3. Forward-Looking Workshops: Leveraging ADR convergence to drive progress in European industry and society.


Workshop Assessment and Selection

Our esteemed Programme Committee will thoroughly review each proposal, selecting 6 workshops that seamlessly align with the event's program and resonate with a diverse audience. To increase the likelihood of selection, workshop proposers are advised to emphasize the following points:

  • Demonstrating the Cross-Domain Nature: Clearly showcasing the workshop's relevance to AI, Data, and Robotics.
  • Action-Oriented Purpose: Defining a clear workshop objective to engage and attract attendees.
  • Addressing Concrete Problems: Outlining specific questions for discussion and providing anticipated outcomes.
  • Focus on New and Emerging Topics: Emphasizing strategic and trending areas of interest.
  • Well-Structured Agenda and Confirmed Contributors: Providing a detailed workshop plan and confirming participating contributors.
  • High Interactivity: Designing an engaging workshop format that encourages lively exchanges among attendees.
  • Diverse Representation: Ensuring a balanced presence of industrial, academic, end-user, and policy maker contributors.

Additional Comments

  • Workshop Duration: All workshops have a maximum duration of 90 minutes.
  • In-Person Only: Workshops will be conducted in-person, with exceptions only for keynote speakers.
  • Registration and Fee: All speakers and participants must register for the forum and pay the registration fee.
  • Gender Balance: Workshops are expected to strive for appropriate gender representation among speakers.

Proposal Submission

To submit a workshop proposal, please use the online form below. 
The application deadline is set by 29th September 2023.

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